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STEP FOUR: Discussion 2


You have read text about musharakah and mudarabah before.

Next, make one question for your friends based on the text “MUSHARAKAH AND MUDARABAH AS MODES OF FINANCE” by Maulana Taqi Usmani.

Then, answer one question from your friend.


  1. what is the meaning of mudharaba ?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).

  2. what is the meaning of musharaka ?

    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. what is the subject of the musharaka contract ?

    1. The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital)

  5. what the difference of mudaraba contract and musharaka contract?

    1. 1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      2. In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  6. What is the based profit in musharaka?

    1. profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution.

  7. Explain difference entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka and mudaraba !

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). 

      Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).

  8. What is the murabahah transaction flow?

    1. This scheme can be used by the bank for customers who want to own a good, while the customer has no money at the time of purchase. In financing under this scheme, the bank is the seller while the customer requiring the goods is the buyer. Benefits obtained by banks in this financing in the form of margin or the difference between goods sold by banks with the cost of goods purchased. After the goods are obtained by the customer, the goods can be paid in cash or by installment to the bank within the agreed timeframe.

  9. What causes the end of the mudaraba contract?


    1. Each party declares the contract void, or mudharib is prohibited to act law against the given capital, or shahibul maal withdraw its capital.

      One of those who die dead. If the shahibul maal who died then according to Jumhur Ulama mudharabah contract was canceled, because akad mudharabah equal to akad wakalah who died due to the death of the person who represents. In addition, Jumhur Ulama believes that the mudaraba contract can not be inherited. However, the Malikiyya scholar believes that if a man dies, his contract is not void, it is continued by his heirs, because according to them the mudharabah contract may be inherited.

      One who is determined to lose the ability to act law, such as crazy.

      Capital depleted in the hands of shahibul maal before being managed by mudharib.

      According to Imam Abu Hanifah, if shahibul maal murtad, then the mudharabah contract is void.

  10. it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital). it refers to....

  11. How share of profit in musharaka?

    1. the advantage is divided into two equally.

  12. what is the labor of musarokah ?

    1. be provided jointly by the parties (partners)

  13. Balasan
    1. The other provides labor and business expertise

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  14. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on...

    1. based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation)

  15. how many person needed to make agreement in musharaka?

  16. Balasan
    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

    2. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

    3. Musharakah is a joint enterprise or partnership structure with profit/loss sharing implications that is used in Islamic finance instead of interest-bearing loans.

  17. what is difference mudarabah and musharaka about the labor

    1. In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  18. What is the essence of mudaraba

    1. In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features

    2. In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features.

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  20. what is your opinion about mudharabah and musharaka?

    1. In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features.
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  21. As part of the profit in mudaraba, on the other hand, depending on two elements, mention the two elements!!!

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  22. What is the basis for the benefit of society ?

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation).

  23. What is the contribution of Musharaka?

    1. partners contribute equal or unequal ratios of capital, management skills, goodwill or any combination of these items in order to establish a new project or to participate in an existing one, whereby each partner owns a respective share in the partnership and is entitled, by virtue of this share, to a respective or agreed-upon share in the profit. However, losses, if incurred by the mutual project, will be borne by partners according to their respective shares in capital or ownership.

  24. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  25. Whether mudarabah is in accordance with Islamic Shari'a?

  26. Balasan
    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).

    2. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise

  27. differences of contract mudaraba and contract musharaka?

    1. Difference of contract mudaraba and musharaka:

      Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  28. mention some issues in practice mudaraba and musharakah!

  29. What is the subject of the musharaka contract ?

    1. The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution.

    2. The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    4. The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution

  30. Explain the difference between mudharabah contract and musyarakah contract?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  31. what is your opinion about Musharaka ?

    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  32. what is different about musyarokah and mudhorobah?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

    2. Entitlement to share of profit in a mudaraba. On the other hand, hinges on two elements : 1) the existence of capital(subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and . 2) the work undertaken by the mudarib ( a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital). In musharaka , tbe labor is to provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudraba, it falls on te mudarib to provide for all labor requirement (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  33. Balasan
    1. Mudarobah is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital
      by: eki wijayanti

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).

  34. Balasan
    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

    2. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  35. Balasan
    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit

    2. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  36. what is musharaka and mudaraba ??????

    1. 1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.
      2. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).

  37. Balasan
    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib)

  38. specify the contract subject of musyarakah !

    1. @Pramesti Diana Putri

      The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution.

  39. what is a subject mudharaba contract ?

  40. @Pramesti Diana Putri

    what the difference of mudaraba contract and musharaka contract?

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  41. Mention 2 elements that are the basis of profit sharing in mudaraba!

  42. Balasan
    1. Mudarabah or "Sharing the profit and loss with venture capital", is a partnership or trust financing contract (similar to western equivalent of General and Limited Partnership) where one partner, (rabb-ul-mal or "silent partner"/financier) gives money to another (mudarib or "working partner") for investing in a commercial enterprise. The rabb-ul-mal party provides 100 percent of the capital and the mudarib party provides its specialized knowledge to invest the capital and manage the investment project. Profits generated are shared between the parties according to a pre-agreed ratio. If there is a loss, rabb-ul-mal will lose his capital, and the mudarib party will lose the time and effort invested in the project. The profit is usually shared 50%-50% or 60%-40% for rabb ul mal-mudarib.

  43. what is different beetwen mudharabah contract and musharakah contract ?

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  44. What is meant by mudaraba and musharaka?

    1. Mudarabah is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  45. what the meaning about mudarabah and mention the point!

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).
      Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  46. (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
    In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  47. what is different between of mudaraba and musharaka ? give me one different between of mudharaba and musharaka !

    1. In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  48. What is the basics of gaining profit in musharaka?

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation).

  49. what is difference of mudarabah and musharakah?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  50. What is another name for "CAPITAL" in the term of fiqh Islam ?

  51. what is entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka ?

    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness

    2. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation).

  52. what is the meaning of musharaka.?

    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  53. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  54. Mudharabah has the advantage, the profit depends on the 2 elements, specify!!

  55. what is mudaraba and what is the difference between mudaraba and musharaka?

  56. Balasan
    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib)

  57. Whatis your opinion about mudharobah??

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business axpertise (mudarib).

    2. In my opinion, although the risk is on Mudharabah but the profit also on it.

    3. In my opinion, although the risk is on Mudharabah but the profit also on it.

  58. What is the meaning of mudharabah and musyarakah?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features.
      Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

    2. Mudhorobah the owner of capital provides capital to the manager and in return the capital owner gets a certain part of a profit.
      Musyarokah is a common form of profit-sharing business where two or more donate financing and business management, with the proportion being equal.

    3. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). In essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features.
      Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  59. what the difference of mudaraba contract and musharaka contract?

    1. 1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  60. The extent to which the terms or conditions of agreement that can be made by the financiers and workers, whether the origin of both parties agree it justified the Shari'a?

  61. give an example of mudaraba and musharaka in community environment?

    1. A contract of mudarabah normally presumes that the mudarib has not invested anything to the mudarabah. He is responsible for the management only, while all the investment comes from rabb-ul-mal. But there may be situations where mudarib also wants to invest some of his money into the business of mudarabah. In such cases, musharakah and mudarabah are combined together. For example, A gave to B Rs. 100000/- in a contract of mudarabah. B added Rs. 50000/- from his own pocket with the permission of A.

  62. Mention the types of Mudarabah!

    1. There are 2 types of Mudarabah namely:
      1. Al Mudarabah Al Muqayyadah : Rab-ul-Maal may specify a particular business or a particular place for the mudarib, in which case he shall invest the money in that particular business or place. This is called Al Mudarabah Al Muqayyadah (restricted Mudarabah).
      2. Al Mudarabah Al Mutlaqah : However if Rab-ul-maal gives full freedom to Mudarib to undertake whatever business he deems fit, this is called Al Mudarabah Al Mutlaqah (unrestricted Mudarabah). However Mudarib cannot, without the consent of Rab-ul-Maal, lend money to anyone. Mudarib is authorized to do anything, which is normally done in the course of business. However if they want to have an extraordinary work, which is beyond the normal routine of the traders, he cannot do so without express permission from Rab-ul-Maal. He is also not authorized to:
      3. a) keep another Mudarib or a partner
      4. b) mix his own investment in that particular Modarabah without the consent of Rab-ul Maal.

  63. In musharaka, the labor.....

    1. In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  64. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  65. Based on your opinion, what is advantages and disadvantages of Musharaka ?

    1. Based on your opinion, what is advantages and disadvantages of Musharaka ?

  66. what is the meaning of musharaka ?

    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.
      mugo2 bener amiin

  67. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. the provides labor and business expertise

  68. What are different about musharokah white mudharabah ?


    1. Entitlement to a share of profit in musharaka is based on the capital contribution of all partners whether in the form of cash, goods, tangible assets, services or creditworthiness (in case sharika is based on reputation). The subject of the musharaka contract is some form of capital contribution. Entitlement to a share of profit in a mudaraba, on the other hand, hinges on two elements: (1) the existence of capital (subject to the conditions of musharaka capital), and (2) the work undertaken by the mudarib (a type of contribution that is different from the mudaraba capital).
      In musharaka, the labor (including management skills and business expertise) is to be provided jointly by the parties (partners), whereas in mudaraba, it falls on the mudarib to provide for all labor requirements (the other partner's contribution is generally confined to providing capital).

  69. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  70. what is the difference between musarakah and mudarabah ?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  71. What is the subject of the text about ?

  72. What is the meaning of mudarabah?

    1. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).

  73. What the mudarabah contract ?

  74. What is musharaka?
    Please Answer based on textlink above

    1. Musharaka is an agreement between two or more partners to combine their assets, services, obligations or liabilities for the purpose of making profit.

  75. Please tell me about the diference between mudaraba and musharaka, thank.

  76. Balasan
    1. the term refers to a form of business contract in which one party brings capital and the other personal effort.

    2. Mudarabah is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib).

  77. How is mudharabah and musyarakah financing ?

  78. What is the meaning mudharobah?

    1. Mudarabah is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital and the other provides labor and business expertise.

    2. Mudarabah is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital and the other provides labor and business expertise.

    3. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and business expertise (mudarib). Which in essence, mudaraba is a special case of musharaka (or sharika), with each type of contract having its distinguishing features

  79. What is different musharakah and mudharabah

  80. what the different musharaka and mudaraba in the labor ?

  81. What are different about musharokah white mudharabah ?

  82. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  83. What is the difference between musharaka and mudaraba in terms of employment?


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